14 December 2010

Obama's 2nd green revolution

If any further data on the self-centered nature of USA govt. global policies is needed, here is a lead from a reputed web link.  All means are used to push GMO on to the global citizens ... even levering developing nations to mis-guide other developing nations.  Corporate profits from  useless research must be obtained for USA groups, for which their Govt. spares no effort in lobbying.  All in the name of an 'evergreen revolution' which is a 'self-destruct revolution' as opposed to 'natural evolution'.  Read on ...

(NaturalNews) The Obama Administration is working towards a second "Green Revolution" in agriculture known as the "Evergreen Revolution". This sequel to prior agriculture industrialization efforts in India in the mid-20th century is being heralded by some as the next step in sustainable food production for the populations of the world. But a closer look reveals that one of the primary thrusts of the initiative is to push GMOs both in India and around the world.

In a recent Joint Session of the Indian Parliament, President Obama briefly explained his plans in the new Evergreen Revolution, which include exporting India's "hard-earned expertise" in agriculture, much of which was wrought during the first Green Revolution. But now, the goal is to allegedly improve upon these efforts and bring them to other developing areas like Africa that seem to be on the verge of an agricultural revolution.

But the main problem with the efforts is that they include exporting the same genetic modification technology that was thrust on India, but this time to the nations of Africa. In fact, a series of leaked reports from Wikileaks recently revealed that Africa is on the U.S. radar for GMO expansion efforts, which highlights the real agenda (http://www.naturalnews.com/030683_G...).

A recent Scientific American report on the subject explains that a former chief scientist from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is pushing the Obama Administration to focus heavily on GMOs in its efforts with the program. Gale Buchanan is a huge supporter of GMOs and is quoted as saying that the only way the Evergreen Revolution is going to have a "real, revolutionary" impact is if it makes GMOs its top priority. And since Buchanan has already expressed support for the initiative as it is, it is likely that GMOs are already part of the plan.

Sources for this story include:

13 December 2010

Jairam Ramesh to blame for no GM crops

It is shocking to read a report dated Tue 09th Dec 2010 attached here, with the above subject line at the link: 

The promotion of GMO products, GM seeds and foods is a game that the Corporates and the Govt of USA have been playing all across the globe for sometime now.  It is sad to see able leaders of Parliament and Research Labs in India falling for such traps; makes one wonder at the probable cause for such position they take.  If they truly wish good for the India Farmer and the health of future citizens of India, they would work towards educating the farmers on better farming methods and levering existing tech which alone would raise the farmer profits and yields by over 30%.  Better marketing methods and food storage chains will ease the burden of the nation on food security.  No such activity is found attractive to these gentlemen.  Instead they are comfortable in blaming the 'only man of the India union cabinet' who sees fit to look at the long range picture in citizen interest.  

Much has been written and enough evidence in easily available to disprove what ever Shri Sharad Joshi, NRCPB and  NSAI Directors have to promote.  One has only to 'google it' on the internet and evidence to show the probable liability for any nation and its living organisms is easily found.  Shri Joshi would have us believe that all such reports are wrong.  The unfortunate news report of Directors of Research Institutes who recently had given 'copy paste' reports approving GMO to Environment Minister Shri J. Ramesh is not forgotten by intelligent citizens.  

It is urged that the following blog be visited to discover some uncomfortable truths which should cause Shri Sharat Joshi to hang his head in shame.  

A point by point rebuttal is useless when certain 'leaders' refuse to acknowledge that Earth with its bio-diversity is our only home and 'collateral damage' with 'unintended outcome' cannot be determined without decades of global study.  The last 'green revolution' has cost India much in terms of use of humongous amounts of 'pesticides', 'chemical fertilizers', 'water' and 'pumping power'. More grain came with a price, which India is paying today (subsidies is only one of them).  The time tested means of hybridization, which even simple farmers have carried  out does not get the prominence and support, which should be the job of such 'farmer loving' leaders.  Please review the news report attached herewith of Shri Dadaji Khobragade of Chandraput Dist, Maharashtra who invented 11 hybrid rice varieties without using GMO processes of splicing genes from unrelated species 
(http://www.dnaindia.com/mumbai/report_maharashtra-finally-gives-inventor-of-11-rice-varieties-his-due_1477148).  This GMO process does not exist in Nature which has evolved other processes over millions of years.  The need for careful citizen monitored research over decades, at various locations with special focus of effects on other organisms, is the need before such products are imposed on the six billion citizens and millions of other organism of the Earth.  The greed for profit on incomplete research by multi-national Corporates, should not be promoted by India leaders.  

It is hoped that the media in India will broadcast such mis-deeds and citizens will take up same with their elected representatives.  India does not need more scams now.  

03 December 2010

Babus failing the citizens of India.

Today, Fri 03rd Dec 2010 leading newspapers have a report on the 'so called action'  proposed  to be taken against some dozen Babus (IAS, IPS, IFS) of Maha-rashtra.  It seems a 'notice' is to be issued and the concerned officers are to respond on 'source of funds', 'failure to inform on controversial actions' of obtaining flats / immovable property, in names of family members - close or distant.  After one full month, this is the outcome - proposed action.  I could write the responses without any sweat, even before the 'notices' are sent.  This is a joke! 

The shocking behavior of the 'tainted' Babus is contrary to their service rules.  Remember they are public servants.  If the coalition-Govt in Maha will not take action with 'extreme prejudice' ... its a month now and sending notices is not action, its procrastination ... the job of the Governor is to call each of the 'tainted officers' and demand their resignations or fire them on the spot.  They have behaved contrary to public expectations (of prudence and integrity) and deserve to be criminally proceeded against ... any business, office or family head at home, would do so.  Let them rot in the Courts (to get a feel of what the citizens have been used to for decades).  Their families who benefited, must be humiliated and these Babus, should lose their pensions and be marked 'unemployable'.  Is this not what happens to employees who are caught with their 'hand in the till'?  I expect Maha- to take the lead for other states in India to act similarly.  

All along for the past fifteen years, Activism has taken root in the major urban areas to address the 'bad governance' plaguing India and preventing its normal growth.  First, the junior officers were coerced, then the courts were filled with PILs, then the Politicos were targeted, even elections were fought to get to the seat of power - so that meaningful outcome could be got.  None seems to deliver the expected results because we all know the 'system' is bent to prevent delivery of expectations of the citizens. 

It is again clear that all along, some of the Babus and their cohorts have been manipulation not only the system of governance but also the politicos and businesses, so that they remain in control and can keep destroying the institutions.  For the past three years at least, many Babus have been analysed to have been working contrary to the interests of the citizens, but this was attributed to the 'system'.  The month of November has been filled with core issues which all point to 'system and babus'.  None of the serious scams could occur without the oversight of the Babus who should have refused to participate in them.  That is their job!  Now Activists must not fail to target these very persons who have tried to remain anonymous and have worked to wreck every progress that the citizens desire and have a right to.  

I have reports attributed to some retired babus, which confirm that a large section of the Maha- babudom is lost to self-development and not state or citizen development.  It is my firm belief that if key rascals are treated with 'extreme prejudice', the rest will soon become citizen centric and Maha- and India as a whole will see positive results.  The rusted steel frame of India needs to be rebuilt urgently and its only the 'citizens', who own the nation, can do so.  More important, our ancient culture demands it. Let us work to have a better life for ourselves and our generations to come. The greatest  innovations and solutions have throughout history always come from 'concerned citizens' and private groups ... never by waiting for government to take corrective actions. ACT NOW.

Get ready for the mother of all battles.  The earlier 'tough battles' will seem to have been a walk in the park.  Please share this with your well wishers and think deeply about your comments ... which are welcome.