02 March 2008


This is about my first essay of 19th Feb.'08 about the same subject.
I have received some feedback from friends and wish to make sure that I have been understood about why it is of paramount importance for each of us to save energy and power in our daily lives at home and work. I have tried to respond to the issues raised so far.


1. This is not about what the individuals in Govt. can do. Ours is an 'elephant economy' ... slowly plodding along, with the priority being to somehow stay in power.
2. This is not about who has been negligent and incompetent at their jobs. Our well make plans are approved and implemented piece meal, so often do not reach the intended goal.
3. This is not about politicos pandering and appeasing niche groups to garner valuable votes to stay in power. Free power, flat rates, priority connections are some of the means of causing humongous losses.
4. This is not about state administration ignoring the huge theft of power by most slums, some industry, some power looms and some commercial establishments. The vigilance and police probably make good money out of these issues on a continuous basis.

No friends ... issues such as above are understood by the intelligent and the thinkers. I say ... discount all this. After knowing the above flaws in India, what can we do to mitigate and then improve the situation. My essay is about this.

I am thinking about the 85 million households (out of a total of 192 million total) who do not get electricity as per the 2001-census and I am thinking about the 0.62 million households who have NO MEANS of lighting at all. Since each household is average of 5.3 persons, you can calculate the number of citizens who belong to the Bharat part of India, who are living in the 'stone-age' already. They deserve some solace and attention from those who are better off. So my essay is for them. Let us and our neighbours do a small thing that costs us nothing. Let us bring 'light' into their lives by not wasting it in ours. At least the twelve hour power cuts will reduce for some of them.

Now ... think carefully about human nature. The 'have nots' hear about Radio, TV, Mobiles, Theatres, fast cars, good clothes, fine restaurants, Clubs and Malls, where lights burn day and night, from their relatives and friends who visit them twice a year from the towns and cities. They are undergoing a slow burn of anger. Some support or join the Maoists, the Naxals and the fanatic fringe groups. Some of them believe the injustice can only be removed by revolution, not evolution. They will not wait any longer for the 'trickle down effect', after all it is sixty years since political independence. They rush to the cities with a huge chip on their shoulders and we all face a 'situation' as the police call it. The kinds of citizens who are currently causing the rapid urbanization are often from this category. They want more and they shall have it, legality be damned. This fact of life should motivate the better off citizens to do what ever is in their power to reduce the 'anger' of the 'have-nots'. My essay is also for them.


As of now, India is not in a position either to make 'heavy investment' in developing 'energy efficient products' or setting up the RnD facilities for the same. These things happen in 'developed societies' where citizens do not suffer from the deficiency syndrome. Those who
have such technology want an arm and leg for it ... a short sighted policy I say since it affects global resources which can only reduce with time and affect the greedy too. India needs to work hard to feed the undernourished 50% of the national children, educate them to make them employable and provide health care to about 500,000 villages, all this in spite of the 'leakages' in the system. India needs to urgently provide irrigation, roads, ports, cold chains, etc. to allow movement of goods and farm products from factory-farm to table. Funds are short for research and expensive technology in spite of consistent rapid growth in GDP. In fact proposed budgetary allocation is much below the individual ministry expectations. Remember the 'leakages' in our system are caused by Indian's and nobody else ... due to their persistent deficiency syndrome. The 'have-nots' are easily corrupted and propagate corruption too. Once their life, health, family and work is secure, corruption and leakages reduce drastically. Example is the Swedish countries.


The USA has prices fairly close to market rates, they are the best example of market driven economy. Yet, you will not find any 'reduction' in consumption of resources like water, electricity, energy, materials, etc. More Hummers and SUVs are sold and more bathtubs and
showers and home appliances are installed in homes, more food is wasted. People don't mind running three income jobs, but have difficulty in trying to reduce their spends. They prefer to run 'wholly debt homes' and have no cash in hand. They continue to run a national trade deficit of almost USD 1.7 billion per day and just print paper money to cover it. On a smaller scale the same situation exists in Euroland. So market prices will not work in a growing economy ... it will feed on itself and cause a runaway inflation as in Brazil and Indonesia and even China as per the latest reports.


The ignorant and the abject poor don't care which hell they reach. "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"...Jonny Cash in 'Me and Bobby McGee'. While they riot and die and their families learn, the rest of the nation suffers terribly and thus evil spreads. Lack of fulfilment of basic desires, breeds anger, which leads to inappropriate action and thus violence and evil spreads. Excellent examples: Sudan, Kenya, Somalia, Pakistan, Afghanistan and so on.


This is now being addressed by the federal politicos, since we have parliament election coming up within twelve months. Even with 80% implementation, some 62,000 MW of new power will be generated (in the current five year plan for 2007-2011), and then 32 million households will have electricity. Global statistics indicate that up to 10% of the population, that is up to 20 million households, will probably remain unreachable for various reasons. The 2001 census data talks of 85 million household without electricity, this figure will probably be some 15 million lower by end-2007. Thus some 18 million households will have to suffer the humiliation and therefore anger for another five years. What do you think they will want to do? I expect serious law and order issues.


Indian energy statistical data has been analysed by global consultants and it is determined that up to 25% energy CAN be saved by better management. If we target this then 122 billion electrical units can be saved per year, thereby bringing electricity to another 4 million households. As more electricity is generated, the 25% saving statistic will enable more households to receive electricity and the continuous 'power cuts' may recede. This will create hope among the 'have-nots' and hopefully enable them to be economically fruitful in their home areas and thus prevent them from rushing to the cities to live like slaves and create 'situations' for all citizens. Further, the backward districts will begin to prosper.

I therefore repeat, saving makes sense if only to protect our way of life and simultaneously help others improve theirs. The greatest innovations and solutions have throughout history always come from 'concerned citizens' and private groups ... never by waiting for government to take corrective actions.

1 comment:

Tranquil said...

Well argued. This state of affairs is typical of nations which have undergone "structural adjustment" - in other words have had globalisation forced on them.
Under globalistaion, 3 sectors develope very well -- IT, entertainment and private security forces.
IT is needed to keep the masters in control of the enslaved much as roads and railways developed during British times. They were there not to bring equitable distribution to the people but to garner revenue for the ruler. The PAN card is the current avatar!
Entertainment keeps the masses in suspended belief, while security forces protect the haves from the have-nots.
Such fun.
Prabha Krishnan.