08 February 2012


It is a given that Citizen Activism of all brands, including the Anna Effect promoted by India Against Corruption, is a long term activity. We at IAC have long ago accpeted this fact and are promoting it with citizens who are often misled into treating this satyagrah as a short term competition between citizens and government. THIS IS NOT A US VERSES THEM FIGHT AT ALL.

The current Muni Elections in Mumbai offer an excellent opportunity for concerned Citizens to act for better governance and delivery of services. IAC-Mumbai has arranged a new flavor of Jan Sabha (Citizen Meeting), in various Constituencies ... some 20+ so far. The accompanying chart gives details of these critical events over the next few days. These are also posted at our web link: iacmumbai.org in the Event Box.

The Candidates from the mainline political parties and a few chosen Independants will be invited to interact with the Citizens of the constituencies. IAC-Mumbai IS NOT SUPPORTING OR OPPOSING ANY POLITICAL PARTY OR CANDIDATE. Time being a constraint, all possible candidates cannot be invited.

The standard queries put to the Candidates by our Moderators will expose the knowledge and capabilities of the Candidates. Citizens will judge for themselves who they should donate their precious vote too. The lottery is worth rupees twenty-five thousand crores per year in Muni Budget. Those parties or candidates who absent themselves will be insulting the citizens of the constituencies and further losing an opportunity to get votes. It is assumed that each citizen attending the Jan Sabha represents FIVE votes.

For the Volunteers, it a win-win all the way. They win four World Cups if they put thru the Jan Sabha process ... whatever the results.

1. Volunteers learn to work as a team for a common public cause.
2. Volunteers interact with citizens in their areas when they use leaflets to invite them for the
citizen meet. Thus their bonds are made with citizens as selfless workers.
3. Volunteers see the fickle nature of some politicians and candidates and do not remain in perpetual awe of 'leaders'. They learn that as 'owners' they can 'interview' Nagar Savak's for a five year job of serving the community.
4. Volunteers interact with the elected and selected officials for public work and get confidence in handling the official quirks and processes.

To make this long story short, it is critical for citizens to participate and change things for the better by joining this opportunity. STOP THE PLUNDER OF INDIA. JAI HIND. 

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