12 September 2014

Independent Person.

Some say, "I am Single, which is not just a status, but a word to describe a person who is strong and not dependant on any one else". This seems a nice statement, but not accurate and, in fact foolish.

The fact is each person is dependant on the entire Creation - श्रिष्टी, which is working to meet ones' needs and even some 'wants'. The problem is humans are not aware of the contribution of ALL CREATION, and keep having selfish and self driven motives and lives.

Those who can raise their CONSCIOUSNESS to be Alive-Awake-Aware-Alert to this reality, are Enlightened and Free. They change from being भोगी to योगी (Consumer to Contributer).

Know that the entire Creation, including all participants - sentient or otherwise, is interdependent and balanced. Modern Humans keep disturbing this balance when they make such arrogant statements of independance and, lay claims on their own 'creations' and ownership. 

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