28 September 2015


1.     As children,we follow our parents and also the values they hold and teach us. As adolescents, we begin to experience life,values and trends of the times in which we are living, as different from those our parents and their parents lived.
2.    As we mature we get internally educated within our core to make a conscious difference between desires we have and values of life we hold.
3.    How much mature we are, becomes evident to the extent that we go beyond our sensory desires to follow the values of life we hold.
4.    This is  because our consciousness tells us clearly that desires fulfill our passion but  values we hold give meaning to our life.The meaning of life is characterized by understanding what difference it will make to my life and to the lives of people I am related to, whether I live,I die or was not born at all.
5.    That is the real difference between academic literacy and internal literacy. It is an inner revelation when we  understand that we are internally illiterate when we do not hold any values of life,when we do not know who we are and, in essence,we do not know what we stand for in life.
6.    To have a stand in life is to define our values of life- whether we stand for liberty or coercion,for progressive life or regressive one, for being bound to inflexible belief or to sound rationale, to follow world of compulsions or ground of freedom for ourselves and others.
7.     In essence, we stand for what gives meaning and substance to our existence, not for what drives us towards meaninglessness and obselscence in life.
8.     If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything.
9.    If you stand for something, you will have people for you and people against you. But if you stand for nothing, you will have nobody for you and nobody against you.
10.    To the parents that raised children to take stands where they must, I salute. And to those standing in the cold and putting themselves in the gap for the future of our planet, I say, you are great.

           LineshS, Mumbai. 20.03.2014

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