14 June 2016



I am disturbed by this RESEARCH from University Funds, which instead of RESTORING BALANCE, HARMONY RYTHEM IN ORGANISED CREATION-NATURE, only makes things worse.  Please see attached news repoerts from IndainExpressMumbai and also from InternationalNewYorkTimes of recent dates.

"Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory", Columbia University, NY, USA ...
Their scientists have done research on Carbon Capture & Sequestration (CCS) and have succeeded in a pilot project that uses 25Tonnes of water with 1Tonne of CarbonDioxide and injects this acidic mixture deep underground into Basaltic rock rich in Calcium. The fairly quick reaction (two years for the pilot), forms Calcite or CalciumCarbide complex. The news is reported in the International New York Times of 10June2016 on page-14.  It is hoped that major projects could use sea water and reduce the CO2 content in the atmosphere, thereby reducing this 'GreenHouseGas' which causes GlobalWarming and its associated disaster for all living organism including primarily Humans.

Similarly, scientists from Southhampton University, Britain are working on a  similar project in Iceland. They are working on plans to sequester the 37 billion tonnes per year of CO2 released by humans.

I am amazed and astounded.  All Creation and Nature, is inherrantly ORGANISED, BALANCED, HARMONIUS AND IN RYTHEM.  Its us Humams who arrogantly keep disturbing this Organised Balance and Harmony.  Then to restore the lost Balance we keep further disturbing same.

Lets look at what Nature is doing. Trees trap Carbon in cellulose and this is done for FREE without Research and funding and PhDs. The trees fall and get buried over time and due to movement in Earths' crust. The CCS process occurs NATURALLY over long spans of time, mostly millions of years.  Humans dig out the COAL and CRUDE OIL, and burn it in a hurry, mostly centuries. Now if we focus on planting FREE TREES, cut and bury them in the exhausted COAL MINES, we could hurry the CCS a bit. All this needs negligible RESEARCH AND FUNDING.  The areas where trees are cut could be sequentially replanted. Millions of tonnes eqivalent trees could be planted each year, and then buried after five years, in multiple locations annually.

Each nation could be given targets for this process depending on their own contribution to the Carbon problem. Coal exporting nations have benefited from income and must now invest in Nature too. Coal consuming nations have benefited and must also invest in Nature. Simultaneously, Humans must quickly switch to alternative energy sources such as Solar, Wind, GeoThermal, Wind, Tides.

The new pilot plants disturb deep rock strata with unknown future consequences, same as shale oil extraction and even StripMining.

So I am amazed, that this natural solution (needs to be refined no doubt), does not occur to our big brains. 

SHARE WIDELY ... so that we can save our planet from incessant pain.

1 comment:

Praful Vora said...

Pl apply your experienced mind and passionate heart to ...

1. Giving widest publicity to this nonsence RESEARCH. Write to main global Universities and their Trustees. Same to mainline global Media.
2. Share thoughts on the root problem and possible natural solution.
3. Publicise need for Alternative Energy based on Nature Balance.

I am with you on this venture. For example, when ever we have to give any talk, let us spend five minutes sensitising the audience on the ...
1. Need for energy sources
2. Making proper choices
3. Refuse - Reduce - Reuse - Re-function - Recycle awareness.
4. Raise debate on Awareness - Access - Affordabilty of Alternatives.
5. Instigate thought for solutions to current Carbon Footprint problem.

I have posted to the Doherty U FB page. Awaiting approval posting ☺
I have emailed some 300 activists, hoping five will respond so as to form a Team ��