13 November 2014

Future For New Maharashtra Government.

For any action to be fruitful, it must be BALANCED, HARMONIOUS and RHYTHMIC. This new MahaGovt. formation was neither of above.  
Balance was lost when games of one-upmanship were played by SS and BJP, till the last minute, even in the VidhanSabha at the end of vote. The elder brother was not magnanimous and the regional party was stuck on self-pride, both forgeting AamAadmi Seva as their only Dharma. SS opposed BJP in the sacred VidhanSabha even while it had its own Minister in the Union Cabinet and were together in the Muni Corp of Greater Mumbai.  
Harmony was lost when BJP used NCP to torment SS, as did NCP to sideline SS. Worse. SS stuck to its imagined 'ownership' of Maharashtra, Mumbai, MarathiManus, 25yr political alligence, etc. They failed to recognise the AamAadmi mandate for them to work with BJP to improve QoL for citizens who are now under a ₹3 LakhCrore state debt, created mostly by the INC-NCP combine.  
Rhythm was never attempted to be set by all the four concerned, with each going off tangent from JanSeva and making daily statements meant to insult, hurt and destroy each others credibility. Each kept taking u-turns over a month like a monkey out of control in a tree.  Even the rhythm of legislative process in the VidhanSabha was disturbed with INC physically attacking the Governor, the Speaker failing in his transperency duties, changing order of business, SS walking out mid-way, voice vote being claimed when actual identifyable count was mandated, MLAs creating continous chaos and disturbance before and after process, in the sacred Sabha.  
Such actions have all the seeds of FAILURE which have been sown laboriously by the OLD POLITICS tainted politicos, so the fruit will be weekly discord, fights, loss of faith, incompetance, zero service for AamAadmi.
 This is AGAIN another lesson for Voters who failed to see the writing on the wall and again put their trust in these ill-intentioned party leaders. One does not need astrology to see the outcome. Its time for AAP to set its house in order, strengthen its organisation, prepare for the coming elections, inform citizens through JanSampark about these incidents and reinforce the NEW POLITICS of AAP.  Mumbai, Maharashtra and India can wait no more. JaiHind!  

1 comment:

Rajen Makhijani said...

True. Not even once have the pre and post poll negotiations been abt issues. Just abt ur greed vs my greed. Like a mafia war. The only question has been - do i get a greater area to exploit or do you?

Time for aam aadmi to realise this, get involved and support those that have.