12 February 2008

DANGEROUS WATERS REVISITED (Originally written 20th April 2007).

In my earlier note on the pollution at Main Juhu Beach, I had said that "... it seems our government, beaureaucarcy, system thinks that our citizens would be still unaware of how this facility can be put to good use. One can view encroachments, mangroves, waterline, forest area, pollution, etc. ...". This was said too soon. I had also thanked Google for their munificence in providing Google Earth facility free to the citizens of the world. This may also have been too soon. Why ? Read on.

Today I visited the same site on Google Earth and low and behold ... all the polluution is GONE. The pictures at the said site HAVE BEEN CLEANED UP, but not the actual Beach. How wonderful. Take a look. Since the said beach is only about 2 Kms from my home, I could verify that only the Google Earth pictures have been cleaned up. If you see the picture carefully, you might notice the patch of clean azure waters super imposed on the dark waters (seen at the lower left corner). This is a poor job done by Google, to please who, I wonder.

This is how the 'great system' works. Beware.

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