12 February 2008

TEN THINGS WE CAN DO. (Orignially written 08th Aug. 2006).

Do not use car horns except in emergency.

Remove the 'backup' sirens from your cars.

Do not encourage music, bands, dholaks, taasha, etc. at parties and family functions held in open air.

Harvest rainwater by 'ground water charging'. Encourage your housing complex to build 'soaking pits'.

Do not buy from street vendors. When the buying stops, so will the illegal hawking and street encroachment.

Register 'pheriwallas' with your housing complex and encourage them to visit for business for a short while daily.

Record with photos, details of your house servants and do not employ underage and children.

Register lessees and occupants of rented homes with your nearest police station.

Keep dry and wet garbage separate and verify that your housing complex sweeper does not mix the same.

Do not casually feed birds and animals on the street unless you decide to fully adopt and look after them. Ants, cockroaches, lizards, birds, rats, dogs, cats are natures' garbage disposal squads. If there is no garbage in your housing complex and the streets, they will go away.

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